Messages From Our Radio Ministry
Introduction to Ministry to Muslims and the Big Picture Series
- Why it is Important to Share Jesus with Muslims
- Let Us Defeat Satan’s Strategy
- Sharing Jesus Effectively with Muslims
- Answers to Muslim Questions
- Equipping You to Share Jesus Effectively with Muslims
- How are You Going to Greet Muslims?
- Share the Word of God with Muslims
- Muslims are Thirsty People Drinking from Salty Waters
- Prophecies
- Testimony
- God Works to Attract Muslims to Christ
- My Wife’s Story
- Let Us Make God Rejoice More
- Tell Muslims God Loves You
- Our Fight Against Satan
Biblical Foundation for Cross Cultural Evangelism:
- We are Winners because of Jesus
- The Opportunity God is giving us
- Apostle Paul's Approach
- Learn from Apostle Paul
- Cross Cultural Evangelism
- Theos - Allah
- Divine Appointment
- Give Muslims Jesus
- All Arab Christians Call the Creator God Allah
- Please Consider Cornelius in Acts 10
- What is Your Message to Muslims?
- Please Bridge the Distance that Exists
- According to the Qur’an, all Muslims Must Read the Bible
The Credibility of the Bible:
- The Qur'an Recognizes that the Jews and Christians possess the Word of God
- We are seeking the spoils of Victory
- Evidence for the Textual Purity of the Bible
- The Gospel means - God’s Glad News
- Divine Inspiration Comes from the Holy Spirit
- More Evidence - the Bible is The Word of God
- Did Muhammad come to establish New Religion?
- According to the Qur'an A believer can Submit to God without following Muhammad
- It is Irrational to Claim that Christians Corrupted Their Holy Scriptures
Adam in Islam and Christianity:
- Did God have a Personal relationship with Adam according to the Qur'an?
- According to Islam, did God's command to Adam & Eve to depart from heaven also include their descendants?
- The consequences of Sin and God's solution
- How to become spiritually alive?
- Who is a Genuine Christian?
- Jesus reconciles us to God
- Some Facts about Jesus
The Life of Abraham:
- God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Ishmael or Isaac?
- Why God chose Isaac?
- The difficult test of Abraham's faith.
- God's covenant with Abraham.
- Why God considered Abraham righteous?
- Why God asked Abraham to give him his son?
- Abraham's expression of his love toward God.
- Jesus said: Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends - John 15
- God's gift of grace came to us through Jesus.
- The significance of blood sacrifice.
- An illustration of God's ransom for us.
Jesus in the Qur'an and in the Bible:
- Jesus is The Messiah
- Prophecies about The Messiah
- Jesus Came for all people
- Jesus Came to Heal Us
- Jesus Alone Displayed the Great Power of God
- Jesus is the Word of God
- The Eternal Word Became Human
- God Spoke to us through Jesus
- The Qur'an Gave Jesus the title "A Spirit From God"
- The Virgin Birth of Jesus in the Qur'an and the Bible
- Why Jesus was born of a Virgin?
- Jesus Was Sinless
- All people and prophets sinned
- The Qur'an stated that Muhammad sinned
- The reasons for the aimlessness of Jesus
- Jesus cleanses us from our sin
- Ex-Muslim Testimony
- A Divine Appointment
- Jesus has the Power to Raise the Dead and Create
- You Can Know That You Are Going to Heaven
- Jesus Has the Ability to Know the Unseen
- Jesus is our only Intercessor
The Problem of Sin and the Solution:
- Man's Sinful Condition.
- What is Sin?
- According to Islam, “Everyone is Going to Hell”
- The Qur'an Offers No Eternal Security
- The Good News in The Gospel
- God will give you Forgiveness as a Gift
- God's Gift of Grace
- Jesus will Save you
- Genuine Christians Do not want to Continue in Sin
- Spiritual Growth is a Process
- Genuine Christians Rejoice
God Himself Came To us in the Person of Jesus, the Messiah:
- God is The Servant King
- God Desires to Fellowship with Us
- Who is Jesus?
- Why God Came to Us
- Real Stories About Jesus
- The Union between the Soul and the Body
- Jesus fully Human and fully Divine
- Jesus is The Perfect Mediator
- Jesus unites you with God
- Open Your Heart to Jesus
- Jesus will Connect You with God
- Jesus is our Perfect Example of Love
- God Desires to Become Your Heavenly Father
- Jesus Came to Reveal God to You
- God is Glorified Through Jesus
- You are so Valuable to God
Crucifixion Series
- Why God did not save Jesus from Crucifixion?
- There is only One Vague passage in the Qur'an about Jesus Crucifixion
- Was God the Primary Cause for Jesus Crucifixion?
- Was someone else looks like Jesus Crucified by Mistake Instead of Jesus?
- How should we feel and Act towards Muslims?
- Examining the Substitution Theory
- Disagreement among Muslim Scholars regarding Jesus' Crucifixion
- Confusion among Muslim Scholars regarding The End of Jesus' Life
- The Gospel has the Facts about Jesus Crucifixion
- Please Examine what the Bible record about Jesus' Crucifixion
- Prophecies about Jesus' Crucifixion - The Evidence
- There is not One Verse in the Qur'an that Denies Jesus' Crucifixion
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- The Evidence of Jesus Resurrection
Jesus is More Than a Prophet:
Do Christians Worship Three Gods?
- Jesus' Life is Unique
- Jesus Himself Reveals that God is Triune
- The Bible Clearly Taught the Trinity of God
- Christians Believe in One God
- Islam Misunderstood the Christian Believe in the Oneness of God
- The Qur'an Teaches that Christians Worship One God
- God Eternally Exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
- The Mysteries of the Divine Nature of God
- The Insufficiency of Human Logic
- You Can Experience God
- Function and Nature are Two Different Things
Jesus is The Eternal Son of God
- Jesus said: I in the Father and the Father is in Me
- The Qur'an Never Rejected the Biblical Sonship of Jesus to God the Father
- Jesus' Sonship is Unique and Eternal
- Most Muslims Misunderstand the Sonship of Jesus to God the Father
- Jesus Teaches that He is the Son of God
- Jesus Taught that He is the Son of God in a Unique, Absolute and Exclusive Sense
- Jesus said: He Who Does Not Honor the Son Does not Honor the Father Who Sent Him
- The Jews Wanted to Kill Jesus, Because He Made Himself Equal to God
- Jesus Declared that He Existed from all Eternity
- Jesus Revealed the Heart of God
- Jesus’ Miraculous Birth
- Jesus is the Eternal Son of God
Jesus Received Worship
- Al-Razi Well known Muslim Scholar
- Sharing Jesus Effectively with Muslims
- The Words of Muhammad’s Close Companion
- Jesus Never Said, "I Am God Worship Me"
God is Love
- We Sinned, However, God Loves Us
- What is the Perfect Form of Worship?
- Is it Possible for us to Love God with Our Whole Being?
- What is Genuine Love Toward God?
- Did God Manifest His Love?
- Does God Love Us in a Personal Way?
- God Desires You to Become His Child
- We Are Going to Heaven
- God is Love
- You Can Experience God's Love
- God Desires to Adopt You
- Jesus Revealed the Truth
- Jesus is Our Only Savior
- You Can Be Saved from the Penalty of Sin
Books about Jesus
"I would say that Samy was probably the most enthusiastic and energetic speaker that we had the entire semester. His knowledge of the Scriptures, passion for Muslim people, and enthusiasm for evangelism are contagious.
Not only did Samy do an excellent job in Chapel, but he also interacted very well with students informally. His genuine concern and care for them was evident through the time he made to interact with them. to state it another way the students loved him.
If you are considering having Samy Tanagho at your church or college you will not be disappointed. I highly reccommend him to you".
Tim Arens, Dean of Students
Moody Bible Institute

You can order a single copy. The more books you order, the more discount you will receive.

"Glad News! God Loves You My Muslim Friend" by Samy Tanagho
310 pages. The book presents Jesus and the Biblical teachings in the most understandable way to Muslims and it answers their most important questions.
Glad News is translated to 15 languages. God has been using the Glad News book not only to equip Christians, but also to help thousands of Muslims become followers of Christ. Please examine the evidence on our website under "About Us".

"The True Love" by Samy Tanagho
136 pages. Presents God's love and salvation in a simple, deep and attractive way to all people.
- God Loved You When He Created You
- God Loved You When He Created The Universe
- Wherever You Are, God Loves You
- God Loves You, He Gave You His Word
- God's Sacrificial Love is His Response to the Wrong we have done
- God is Love
- God's Love manifested through the Story of Adam
- God's Love manifested through Abraham's Story
- God Sent Jesus, The Messiah
- Jesus is Unique
- God's Passionate Love for you compelled Him to Come
- God's Unspeakable Love manifested through Jesus'Death and Resurrection
- God's Amazing Love, He is Coming back for you
- God sent Jesus to Save you
DVDs/CDs/PDFs (Depending on Availability)
- 2 CDs by Samy Tanagho — Sharing Jesus effectively with Muslims.
- CD — Perfect Worship according to Islam and Christianity.
- DVD — Hala's story of imprisonment in Egypt for converting from Islam to faith in Jesus Christ.
- DVD — Jesus in the Qur'an and the Bible.
- DVD — You can know for sure that you are going to heaven.