A herd of sheep grazing on grass next to the ocean.

Support the Ministry

We pray that God will send our Ministry more financial partners to enable us to share Jesus effectively with multitudes of Muslims.

We strive to use Every Possible Method including More Mass Media To FullFill Our Calling.

All donations are Tax-deductible. We are a 501( C ) non-profit Organization.

We also pray that someone will donate a building or a house to be used as our headquarters.


Please make your check payable to Glad News for Muslims and mail it to:

P.O. Box 28961
Santa Ana, CA 92799

If you would like to use your credit card to donate, please use the form below or contact Samy at (714) 514-2558.

"*" indicates required fields

Minimum donation amount is $20
This is a*
Credit Card*
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
Expiration Date

Your message ... definitely stirred our congregation to love our Muslim neighbors like never before!
Aaron Campbell | Pastor
Antioch Calvary Chapel, PA

A white and blue background with many lines
A row of sunflowers in the grass with sky background